"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
The title of this posting and the above verse is not very exciting to see right off the bat. Having been here in Dripping Springs, TX fully engaging in serving and becoming missionaries as well as what I have heard and seen very close friends of mine go through I find it necessary to write this blog. And I will say this post is purely based out of what I have only heard and seen and not what I have yet to experience.
I have over a dozen friends my age living out the call of a missionary in multiple countries around the world and over the past 8-10 months Gabby and I have stayed closely in tuned with what their day to day lives are like. And it truly is a costly choice to follow such a call. Jesus said, "For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14 or also can be said "few choose" to say yes to the cost. My friends have said yes to the cost and many of them are tasting it. In no way am I attempting to paint a gloomy picture of being a missionary. Because I wholeheartedly know and believe it is a glorious road full of much joy, power, freedom, and presence. Yet, it is a road of extremes. Not because missionaries are emotional roller coasters being tossed around by the winds and waves of good and bad. If you study the lives of the apostles in Acts and even Paul's testimonies through his letters to the churches you will see that it is full of highs and lows. Extreme joy, victory, and salvation mixed with extreme pain, suffering and rejection.
There are 3 things that I want to briefly highlight that are some common lows of being a missionary that you may or may not know and how you can help serve the missionaries in your life. Again I will preface this with these things are well known to us who venture out to be missionaries and we as James tell us "count it all joy when you face various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So this is not a complaint session or a pity me but a confession of what is typically not said in the public eye or church service because of multiple reasons.
#1 Isolation - (The most frequently heard)
Community is scarce. Even when you are spending all your time with people talking to them about the Gospel and having meals with them there is a disconnect still. Language and social barriers are hard to cross for anyone. It takes a long time to truly slide into a culture and feel like you are a part of it. In some places where the danger level is higher for the missionaries getting around and connecting with people is hard to do. Even with the local pastors and leaders who they are doing ministry with they find it hard to build community for a few years. I know and believe this is not what it is going to remain for these missionaries for the duration of their stay because I have heard of many who are doing community well in a foreign country. It just takes time and this first years a very hard.
Pray for community for those you know are in country even other missionaries to come along side them in that country.
#2 Forgotten
It seems that once you actually get out on to the field the people who were praying with you and cheering you on and calling you regularly stop communicating. Not because they don't care anymore or they truly have forgotten but we have left and life still goes on in the now. It is easy for missionaries to feel that sense of forgotten because of the isolation they already face just having their immediate spouse, children and maybe another couple going out onto the field with.
We have to do our part to reach out and communicate with our supporters and prayer team. Britt taught us that if we need to call someone then call someone right away and don't wait. I am so grateful that he and Audrey make themselves available for those phone calls at all hours.
Pray that the devil doesn't slip those lies into our ears and when you pray for us if Jesus is leading you to send us a email or give us a phone call or chat on skype please don't hesitate to do that or make that request. We are busy but not too busy to talk and quite frankly we need to take time to just talk with you. So hold us accountable and pull us into conversation.
#3 Attack/Rejection
When you actively share the gospel and pursue community transformation the devil rears his ugly head and pounces harder than before. We are going from one set of principalities and powers over the country and region to another that we are not familiar with. Some countries the spiritual warfare is greater and not everyone is prepared to face that reality. We get beat up by sickness our stuff falls apart and weird things just happen. But it is all part of the process and Jesus promises and reminds us that we have power to overcome these things and to resist these things.
Also, I have heard many stories of missionaries pouring into individuals, groups, or cities and after a time of discipleing them for days, weeks, and or months the person or persons choose to reject God and continue in their way apart from Him. That is a hard road to walk with someone because no one back home wants to hear that the person you have been investing into doesn't want Jesus as it makes us feel like failures. This in itself is a lie because all men have the opportunity to choose for themselves. It is still hard to face.
Pray for us heavily. Wage war for the kingdom of God and our personal behalf. Your prayers are truly powerful and effective to carry us through the trials and tribulations and not shrink back when it gets hard. There is always a hidden cost to follow the call God has for us not just a being a missionary. But so often when that cost comes up we get thrown off, fall into fear and doubt, shrink back and give up. Pray that we would not falter nor waver in our faith. That we would fix our eyes on the Author and Perfector of our faith and consider the joy that is set before us to bring Jesus the reward of His suffering. We need your partnership greater than you may know.
WE DON'T JUST NEED YOUR MONEY. WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS, YOUR WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT, YOUR COMPASSIONATE HEART, AND LISTENING EAR. Knowing that you are in the trenches with us spiritually gives us Courage to press on. You are a blessing and we thank you for participating in the work of the Kingdom of God!
Again I say I don't have all this by experience but I have heard it from multiple close friends on the field and I think I want to speak on their behalf especially as my family prepares to head there in the future. I want to be ready for all these things and I want to make sure those I am caring for have what they need to press on!
Blessings in Christ,
Chad Prytula
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