"GO, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe [obey] all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
That is our great commission and we all know that. Gabby and I came out here wanting to do this. Specifically, to GO into the nations and teach people to obey his commands. Just a few weeks ago I realized that I had not been seeing this scripture fully.
I confess that in my thinking the pressure was on me to evangelize and disciple all people in all the nations. Not because of some big shot thinking. I really don't know why I had that thought and I didn't know that I was actually even thinking that way. We started reading a book called "The Great Omission" written by Steve Saint who's father Nate Saint was speared to death along with Jim Elliott and 3 other guys in Ecuador by the Waodani tribe. Steve and his aunt Rachel went and lived with these people and Steve is still there today and the people are thriving believers in the Amazon Jungle spreading the Gospel amongst their own people. The premise of his book through the last 35 years of experience with missions work on both the going and receiving end is we Westerners have taken it upon ourselves to be the only ones able to evangelize the world. Now here me out so I can make it clear and I suggest you read the book because it is just amazing and life changing and I won't do it justice pulling a synopsis out of it. Unknowingly we have showed up to foreign countries thinking that if it isn't done our way and if we don't do it the work doesn't get done and it won't get done properly. Since we have all the money and technology and schools etc.
This is so false. And Steve's book has opened my eyes to my own false interpretation of missions that I didn't know was there. I want to briefly explain how we want and are currently doing missions.
Jesus says very simply to go into all the world leading all people to the saving grace of His death and resurrection and then teach them to obey all His commandments. And one of those commandments is this. That they GO into all the world and baptize people into the fellowship of the Kingdom of Heaven and teach those people to obey all that He commands so they in turn do the very same thing leading others to Jesus. DUH...
Why do we miss this simple reality. Because if you read Acts and follow the work of Paul and read his letters to the churches he is preaching a brand new thing to both Jews and pagans and teaches them all the commands to Jesus helps them setup a leadership of elders and teachers and moves on. And the longest he actually stays in one place is 2 years and that was in Ephesus. Thats not a long time to be with a people and trust them with something totally new and take off. He continues to stay in contact with them be sending people and writing letters but Paul did not see it necessary that he stay for 10-15 years making sure everything is perfect and everyone is at his level. I am not saying that missionaries should only stay in a place for 2-3 years. Nor should a pastor at a church in the Western world. Paul received direct guidance from Jesus and it was obviously pleasing to Jesus for Paul to move on after a short amount of time entrusting them to hear from Jesus themselves and reach their own people. So we go where He tells us to go and we stay for as long as He wants us to stay. For most, in my opinion, it should be a lifetime in one place. There is so much more to say on this and the what ifs and all that so read Steve's book and he will answer those thoughts. This is supposed to be a short blog hah!
Why do we even go into the world and make disciples if they should be doing it themselves. First, because Jesus told Gabby and I to GO. Second, the purpose and main function of Mountain Gateway as I can only speak for what Gabby and I have committed to here is to raise up Pioneer Missionaries. Meaning sending missionaries where the Gospel has not be shared yet. Who will stay in that area long enough to get the church running on their own 2 feet. Because Westerners are a blessed people we have the money, resources, and support to go reveal Jesus where He is not yet known. But it is not up to us to pour billions of dollars into building billions of churches and youth programs and outreach events in all those areas. We will serve the people according to their needs amongst their own culture. It does not have to look like the American Western church.
Jesus is concerned about one thing. That as many people as possible believe that He is alive and live their lives on earth in fellowship with Him bringing as many more people as possible to meeting Him. It gets to be that simple. I am grateful Jesus has made this clear to us now. It is as if a huge weight has rolled off our backs and we can see the exciting simplicity of it. Steve Saint's father was killed before he could tell one of those Waodani people about Jesus. Yet a majority of that tribe is now "walking God's trail" as they put it and themselves leading others to walk God's trail.
So what do we need as GOING missionaries? We need all the prayer and financial support we can get to show up to a people that don't know Jesus, and stay as long as we can to make sure they are on good footing to reach their own people. Just as Paul showed up and preached to as many people as possible and helping them hear the voice of God for themselves and live out His commands we will do the same. And we will stay there for as long as God wants us to.
It was so encouraging to recently hear from the missionaries in Mexico that the believers that have been being discipled the past several years are taking the reigns in the work. And they are doing it while they have to take care of their own fields and cattle to feed their families. But they are self-confident and not white man dependent to do the work for them. It would require a couple hundred missionaries to take care of all people that we are currently ministering to in Mexico if we weren't empowering the people to do it themselves. Which would also require millions of dollars to help those missionaries live which just isn't efficient at all. We need laborers as Jesus said in the harvest field, but most of those laborers are people who need to take care of their own fields. Which includes me and you wherever we are living. It is easy for people of a lower economic society to believe the lie that they are not equipped to do the work of ministry. Praise be to God they have the same Holy Spirit as the rest of us and can "Do all things through Christ who gives me strength." And Jesus says at the end of His commission to us that He will be with us, all of us who call Him Lord in all that we do.
So thanks for reading this and praying for us.
God Bless You,
"Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession." Psalm 2:8 We have a heart for the nations, to see that Jesus receives the reward of His suffering, from every tribe and tongue.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Friday, September 11, 2015
Our First Month in Texas
Family and friends,
I wanted to send you all an update from Texas! We have been here a little over a month now. Things are going very well. We have settled in and gotten our routine just about down. We are so thankful for all of you, your prayers and financial support mean so much to us. You all are making it possible for us to be obedient to what the Lord has asked of us in this season!
I wanted to share with you guys a little bit about our past month and what we have been up to!
Chad has gotten trained and is now fully in charge of all the administrative and property maintenance of Mountain Gateway. He is really enjoying what he is doing and what he is learning. He is getting to use skills that he has picked up the last few years as well as the new ones he is learning. He is very busy!
He does a lot of computer stuff, running errands, getting the mail, dropping off the mail, depositing checks, keeping track of each missionaries account, checking up on the missionaries, feeding chickens, building shelves, making sure
everything on the property is running like it should, and last but not least we are preparing to plant a winter garden. Like I said he is very busy.
everything on the property is running like it should, and last but not least we are preparing to plant a winter garden. Like I said he is very busy.
Kohen and I spend a lot of time at home. The Petersons, the family who is letting us stay in their garage apartment, have a beautiful property complete with a pool and big jungle gym. We play outside, usually each morning before the heat hits. We have started walking again now that it has cooled off here a bit and we have adjusted more to the difference in the climate. Kohen enjoys being outside so we try really hard to get as much time out there as possible. His current favorite thing to do is hunt down the chalk, the dogs like to chew it up, and color lines all over. He makes about 3 lines in one spot then moves on to a new one. I'm not sure why but it's funny to watch.
We also try to take chad to work once or twice each week so we can go to the park, or to the library, get donuts, or just get out of the house for a bit. Kohen does love being on the mountain gateway property as there is tons of room, lots of rocks, and chickens. Oh and did I mention there are chickens? Kohen is mesmerized by the chickens and will take any chance he gets to go see them. I am currently working with Kohen on his letters, numbers, colors, animals, and shapes. This kid loves to learn and loves when you congratulate him on his learning. (He only pays attention for about 5-10mins but hey I'll take anytime I can get).
Kohen has adjusted so wonderfully. We had asked for prayer for his adjustment and transition and it couldn't have gone better! He is growing like crazy and learning so much. It seems each day he is picking up more and more words and actions. He is currently getting 2 bottom molers as well as the top 2 are finishing coming in. So I know those have bothered him quite a bit.
We have found a new doctor for me and a new pediatrician for Kohen. We loved our doctors back in the Springs so this was a huge step for us. We like both of them and are very thankful that Jesus helped us find the right ones.
If any of you didn't know we are expecting a new baby mid-March. We are very excited about this. My morning sickness has begun to fade a little bit which I am very thankful for. Some of you have been praying for this for us so keep praying and Jesus is answering! The rest of the pregnancy has gone pretty smooth and the doctor says everything looks beautiful and the baby has a nice strong heartbeat. We are so thankful for this new blessing.
This past week we celebrated our 3 year anniversary, my birthday, and Kohen turning 18 months! We went and visited Tessa, Beau, and little Chase in San Antonio. We got to walk through the Alamo, which I had no clue was in downtown San Antonio, it was pretty cool. It has been nice for us to have them kinda close. We also found a deal on living social for the Austin zoo so we decided to see how it compared to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. It was not quite the same, a lot smaller and not on a mountain, but Kohen loved seeing all of the animals. We also got to feed deer, sheep, and goats.
And we can't forget Basil! Basil is one spoiled dog. She has done so good with all the change. At the house we are staying at they have 2 other dogs and they play and play until they are too hot. She also gets to go to work with Chad and she has several acres of land to roam.
We are praying about how to get involved at our church, One Chapel, and how we can best connect here while we are here. So if you all will join us in praying for that. We are also wanting to start building a community around us so that we have friends and people to do life with so pray for open doors and the right relationships. We are also needing more finances and monthly support so join us in praying for more connections. We currently are needing $1500 more a month to cover all of our financial needs. So pray for the finances but also for the people who are suppose to join us financially.
We love you all and are so thankful for each one of you in our lives! Let us know if you would like to receive our monthly email update and we will add you to the list. If you have given us your email and haven't received and update check your junk mail and let us know!
Saturday, August 15, 2015
The Cost of A Missionary Lifestyle
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
The title of this posting and the above verse is not very exciting to see right off the bat. Having been here in Dripping Springs, TX fully engaging in serving and becoming missionaries as well as what I have heard and seen very close friends of mine go through I find it necessary to write this blog. And I will say this post is purely based out of what I have only heard and seen and not what I have yet to experience.
I have over a dozen friends my age living out the call of a missionary in multiple countries around the world and over the past 8-10 months Gabby and I have stayed closely in tuned with what their day to day lives are like. And it truly is a costly choice to follow such a call. Jesus said, "For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14 or also can be said "few choose" to say yes to the cost. My friends have said yes to the cost and many of them are tasting it. In no way am I attempting to paint a gloomy picture of being a missionary. Because I wholeheartedly know and believe it is a glorious road full of much joy, power, freedom, and presence. Yet, it is a road of extremes. Not because missionaries are emotional roller coasters being tossed around by the winds and waves of good and bad. If you study the lives of the apostles in Acts and even Paul's testimonies through his letters to the churches you will see that it is full of highs and lows. Extreme joy, victory, and salvation mixed with extreme pain, suffering and rejection.
There are 3 things that I want to briefly highlight that are some common lows of being a missionary that you may or may not know and how you can help serve the missionaries in your life. Again I will preface this with these things are well known to us who venture out to be missionaries and we as James tell us "count it all joy when you face various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So this is not a complaint session or a pity me but a confession of what is typically not said in the public eye or church service because of multiple reasons.
#1 Isolation - (The most frequently heard)
Community is scarce. Even when you are spending all your time with people talking to them about the Gospel and having meals with them there is a disconnect still. Language and social barriers are hard to cross for anyone. It takes a long time to truly slide into a culture and feel like you are a part of it. In some places where the danger level is higher for the missionaries getting around and connecting with people is hard to do. Even with the local pastors and leaders who they are doing ministry with they find it hard to build community for a few years. I know and believe this is not what it is going to remain for these missionaries for the duration of their stay because I have heard of many who are doing community well in a foreign country. It just takes time and this first years a very hard.
Pray for community for those you know are in country even other missionaries to come along side them in that country.
#2 Forgotten
It seems that once you actually get out on to the field the people who were praying with you and cheering you on and calling you regularly stop communicating. Not because they don't care anymore or they truly have forgotten but we have left and life still goes on in the now. It is easy for missionaries to feel that sense of forgotten because of the isolation they already face just having their immediate spouse, children and maybe another couple going out onto the field with.
We have to do our part to reach out and communicate with our supporters and prayer team. Britt taught us that if we need to call someone then call someone right away and don't wait. I am so grateful that he and Audrey make themselves available for those phone calls at all hours.
Pray that the devil doesn't slip those lies into our ears and when you pray for us if Jesus is leading you to send us a email or give us a phone call or chat on skype please don't hesitate to do that or make that request. We are busy but not too busy to talk and quite frankly we need to take time to just talk with you. So hold us accountable and pull us into conversation.
#3 Attack/Rejection
When you actively share the gospel and pursue community transformation the devil rears his ugly head and pounces harder than before. We are going from one set of principalities and powers over the country and region to another that we are not familiar with. Some countries the spiritual warfare is greater and not everyone is prepared to face that reality. We get beat up by sickness our stuff falls apart and weird things just happen. But it is all part of the process and Jesus promises and reminds us that we have power to overcome these things and to resist these things.
Also, I have heard many stories of missionaries pouring into individuals, groups, or cities and after a time of discipleing them for days, weeks, and or months the person or persons choose to reject God and continue in their way apart from Him. That is a hard road to walk with someone because no one back home wants to hear that the person you have been investing into doesn't want Jesus as it makes us feel like failures. This in itself is a lie because all men have the opportunity to choose for themselves. It is still hard to face.
Pray for us heavily. Wage war for the kingdom of God and our personal behalf. Your prayers are truly powerful and effective to carry us through the trials and tribulations and not shrink back when it gets hard. There is always a hidden cost to follow the call God has for us not just a being a missionary. But so often when that cost comes up we get thrown off, fall into fear and doubt, shrink back and give up. Pray that we would not falter nor waver in our faith. That we would fix our eyes on the Author and Perfector of our faith and consider the joy that is set before us to bring Jesus the reward of His suffering. We need your partnership greater than you may know.
WE DON'T JUST NEED YOUR MONEY. WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS, YOUR WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT, YOUR COMPASSIONATE HEART, AND LISTENING EAR. Knowing that you are in the trenches with us spiritually gives us Courage to press on. You are a blessing and we thank you for participating in the work of the Kingdom of God!
Again I say I don't have all this by experience but I have heard it from multiple close friends on the field and I think I want to speak on their behalf especially as my family prepares to head there in the future. I want to be ready for all these things and I want to make sure those I am caring for have what they need to press on!
Blessings in Christ,
Chad Prytula
The title of this posting and the above verse is not very exciting to see right off the bat. Having been here in Dripping Springs, TX fully engaging in serving and becoming missionaries as well as what I have heard and seen very close friends of mine go through I find it necessary to write this blog. And I will say this post is purely based out of what I have only heard and seen and not what I have yet to experience.
I have over a dozen friends my age living out the call of a missionary in multiple countries around the world and over the past 8-10 months Gabby and I have stayed closely in tuned with what their day to day lives are like. And it truly is a costly choice to follow such a call. Jesus said, "For many are called, but few are chosen." Matthew 22:14 or also can be said "few choose" to say yes to the cost. My friends have said yes to the cost and many of them are tasting it. In no way am I attempting to paint a gloomy picture of being a missionary. Because I wholeheartedly know and believe it is a glorious road full of much joy, power, freedom, and presence. Yet, it is a road of extremes. Not because missionaries are emotional roller coasters being tossed around by the winds and waves of good and bad. If you study the lives of the apostles in Acts and even Paul's testimonies through his letters to the churches you will see that it is full of highs and lows. Extreme joy, victory, and salvation mixed with extreme pain, suffering and rejection.
There are 3 things that I want to briefly highlight that are some common lows of being a missionary that you may or may not know and how you can help serve the missionaries in your life. Again I will preface this with these things are well known to us who venture out to be missionaries and we as James tell us "count it all joy when you face various trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience." So this is not a complaint session or a pity me but a confession of what is typically not said in the public eye or church service because of multiple reasons.
#1 Isolation - (The most frequently heard)
Community is scarce. Even when you are spending all your time with people talking to them about the Gospel and having meals with them there is a disconnect still. Language and social barriers are hard to cross for anyone. It takes a long time to truly slide into a culture and feel like you are a part of it. In some places where the danger level is higher for the missionaries getting around and connecting with people is hard to do. Even with the local pastors and leaders who they are doing ministry with they find it hard to build community for a few years. I know and believe this is not what it is going to remain for these missionaries for the duration of their stay because I have heard of many who are doing community well in a foreign country. It just takes time and this first years a very hard.
Pray for community for those you know are in country even other missionaries to come along side them in that country.
#2 Forgotten
It seems that once you actually get out on to the field the people who were praying with you and cheering you on and calling you regularly stop communicating. Not because they don't care anymore or they truly have forgotten but we have left and life still goes on in the now. It is easy for missionaries to feel that sense of forgotten because of the isolation they already face just having their immediate spouse, children and maybe another couple going out onto the field with.
We have to do our part to reach out and communicate with our supporters and prayer team. Britt taught us that if we need to call someone then call someone right away and don't wait. I am so grateful that he and Audrey make themselves available for those phone calls at all hours.
Pray that the devil doesn't slip those lies into our ears and when you pray for us if Jesus is leading you to send us a email or give us a phone call or chat on skype please don't hesitate to do that or make that request. We are busy but not too busy to talk and quite frankly we need to take time to just talk with you. So hold us accountable and pull us into conversation.
#3 Attack/Rejection
When you actively share the gospel and pursue community transformation the devil rears his ugly head and pounces harder than before. We are going from one set of principalities and powers over the country and region to another that we are not familiar with. Some countries the spiritual warfare is greater and not everyone is prepared to face that reality. We get beat up by sickness our stuff falls apart and weird things just happen. But it is all part of the process and Jesus promises and reminds us that we have power to overcome these things and to resist these things.
Also, I have heard many stories of missionaries pouring into individuals, groups, or cities and after a time of discipleing them for days, weeks, and or months the person or persons choose to reject God and continue in their way apart from Him. That is a hard road to walk with someone because no one back home wants to hear that the person you have been investing into doesn't want Jesus as it makes us feel like failures. This in itself is a lie because all men have the opportunity to choose for themselves. It is still hard to face.
Pray for us heavily. Wage war for the kingdom of God and our personal behalf. Your prayers are truly powerful and effective to carry us through the trials and tribulations and not shrink back when it gets hard. There is always a hidden cost to follow the call God has for us not just a being a missionary. But so often when that cost comes up we get thrown off, fall into fear and doubt, shrink back and give up. Pray that we would not falter nor waver in our faith. That we would fix our eyes on the Author and Perfector of our faith and consider the joy that is set before us to bring Jesus the reward of His suffering. We need your partnership greater than you may know.
WE DON'T JUST NEED YOUR MONEY. WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS, YOUR WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT, YOUR COMPASSIONATE HEART, AND LISTENING EAR. Knowing that you are in the trenches with us spiritually gives us Courage to press on. You are a blessing and we thank you for participating in the work of the Kingdom of God!
Again I say I don't have all this by experience but I have heard it from multiple close friends on the field and I think I want to speak on their behalf especially as my family prepares to head there in the future. I want to be ready for all these things and I want to make sure those I am caring for have what they need to press on!
Blessings in Christ,
Chad Prytula
Monday, June 8, 2015
Walking By Faith with A Sovereign Father
This past month sure has been a difficult but spiritually accelerating time for Gabby and I. I want to talk about what we are learning as Jesus leads us through this transition, specifically the realm of living by faith. In no way do I claim to have much experience or even deep insight on walking by faith as I have not been through that many intense situations. But, I will say this last month sure has brought me into a new place of understanding of faith and what it means to live by it.
Romans 10:17
"So then faith comes by hearing, and by hearing by the Word [Rhema] of God."
(Rhema meaning Spirit of God; voice of God; Holy Spirit)
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Faith is not just an idea disconnected from actual results. Faith brings into reality what is spoken by God. James 2:18 "I will show you my faith by my works." Faith manifests the results by our actions, our cooperation, obedience to the Word spoken by Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit and I have been going over these two passages a lot lately. He is helping me understand the life Gabby and I are supposed to live. Now I will say this life is not just for us uniquely because of our choice to be missionaries. It is the only way one can walk with the Father. Without faith we cannot know God. Also, the writer of Hebrews says in chapter 11 verse 6 "But without faith is is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith not by sight."
The way we act, interact, think, make choices, and perceive life is by what we see and hear the Father doing. Not by how much money is coming in, nor by how the world is acting, or the way situations seem to be playing out. Yes, there must be a sobriety to all those things and they have some truth to them. But I will say this, most of those things when they are not brought subject to the Kingdom of God will remain as they are and be our only guide for truth and reality. This life has to be lived out in relationship with God. He put all things into existence and to this day give us breath in our lungs and allows our heart to continue beating. He may a greater statement of His love and existence by sending His Son, Jesus the Messiah to die in our stead giving us the opportunity to be fully released from the bondage of our depravity with no hope at all. Yet now our hope is established through Christ Jesus. Salvation itself is only awarded by faith for "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." What is seen is only part of the picture. What is seen is the result of what is happening in the spiritual realm. This is why we must be in relationship with the Father. He is always up to something and we must be able to spiritually perceive what He is doing and what the devil is doing so that we may cooperate with God and destroy the works of the devil. Lest we find ourselves subject to the kingdom of darkness that unrelentingly wages war against our lives. Watchman Nee says in the Spiritual Man, the moment we stop pressing into the kingdom of God and offensively coming against the devil we have lost ground because the devil will not let up until he is bound on that great and terrible day of the Lord.
What am I getting at here?
Gabby and I are learning to live life pressed against the chest of our Father to hear clearly His voice and step out in faith, obedience to see exactly what He speaks come to fruition. Faith is a huge risk! We are essentially putting all our chips on one number in hopes that it comes up. But the word of God still again says "Hope does not disappoint". God is faithful! This process of support raising surely draws out the truth in your heart. And we are going off of the Word of Faith that what He has spoken to us will come to pass regardless of what we are perceiving in the natural. No man can truly know the thoughts of the Lord and the plans of the Lord. But we surely can trust and believe it is for good and for the purpose of discovering Him more!
Walking by faith is the only way we can live first because without faith we cannot please God. That doesn't mean walk around without a job and any sense of purpose because even in proverbs the writer says those who do not work don't eat. Again faith is full of action and Jesus Himself tells us ASK, SEEK, KNOCK. Despite the risk, the uknowns, the tension this walk with Jesus brings to our hearts we have not felt more free to trust and believe God is who He says He is.
I challenge you as we are challenged to press into God daily to grab hold of what He is saying to you each day in every situation. Take those words how simple and profound they may be and believe for something different and then take the necessary steps to see it come to pass.
I will end with a few passages of scripture that I have been meditating on to bring me peace and confidence. God Bless You!
Psalm 27:13,14 "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Psalm 119:49,50 "Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life."
Psalm 121 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth! He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
Romans 10:17
"So then faith comes by hearing, and by hearing by the Word [Rhema] of God."
(Rhema meaning Spirit of God; voice of God; Holy Spirit)
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Faith is not just an idea disconnected from actual results. Faith brings into reality what is spoken by God. James 2:18 "I will show you my faith by my works." Faith manifests the results by our actions, our cooperation, obedience to the Word spoken by Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit and I have been going over these two passages a lot lately. He is helping me understand the life Gabby and I are supposed to live. Now I will say this life is not just for us uniquely because of our choice to be missionaries. It is the only way one can walk with the Father. Without faith we cannot know God. Also, the writer of Hebrews says in chapter 11 verse 6 "But without faith is is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith not by sight."
The way we act, interact, think, make choices, and perceive life is by what we see and hear the Father doing. Not by how much money is coming in, nor by how the world is acting, or the way situations seem to be playing out. Yes, there must be a sobriety to all those things and they have some truth to them. But I will say this, most of those things when they are not brought subject to the Kingdom of God will remain as they are and be our only guide for truth and reality. This life has to be lived out in relationship with God. He put all things into existence and to this day give us breath in our lungs and allows our heart to continue beating. He may a greater statement of His love and existence by sending His Son, Jesus the Messiah to die in our stead giving us the opportunity to be fully released from the bondage of our depravity with no hope at all. Yet now our hope is established through Christ Jesus. Salvation itself is only awarded by faith for "if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." What is seen is only part of the picture. What is seen is the result of what is happening in the spiritual realm. This is why we must be in relationship with the Father. He is always up to something and we must be able to spiritually perceive what He is doing and what the devil is doing so that we may cooperate with God and destroy the works of the devil. Lest we find ourselves subject to the kingdom of darkness that unrelentingly wages war against our lives. Watchman Nee says in the Spiritual Man, the moment we stop pressing into the kingdom of God and offensively coming against the devil we have lost ground because the devil will not let up until he is bound on that great and terrible day of the Lord.
What am I getting at here?
Gabby and I are learning to live life pressed against the chest of our Father to hear clearly His voice and step out in faith, obedience to see exactly what He speaks come to fruition. Faith is a huge risk! We are essentially putting all our chips on one number in hopes that it comes up. But the word of God still again says "Hope does not disappoint". God is faithful! This process of support raising surely draws out the truth in your heart. And we are going off of the Word of Faith that what He has spoken to us will come to pass regardless of what we are perceiving in the natural. No man can truly know the thoughts of the Lord and the plans of the Lord. But we surely can trust and believe it is for good and for the purpose of discovering Him more!
Walking by faith is the only way we can live first because without faith we cannot please God. That doesn't mean walk around without a job and any sense of purpose because even in proverbs the writer says those who do not work don't eat. Again faith is full of action and Jesus Himself tells us ASK, SEEK, KNOCK. Despite the risk, the uknowns, the tension this walk with Jesus brings to our hearts we have not felt more free to trust and believe God is who He says He is.
I challenge you as we are challenged to press into God daily to grab hold of what He is saying to you each day in every situation. Take those words how simple and profound they may be and believe for something different and then take the necessary steps to see it come to pass.
I will end with a few passages of scripture that I have been meditating on to bring me peace and confidence. God Bless You!
Psalm 27:13,14 "I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living."
Psalm 119:49,50 "Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life."
Psalm 121 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth! He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore."
Friday, April 10, 2015
I Want To Follow Jesus
I want to follow Jesus... I know this is what most of us are saying. We all truly want to follow Jesus we are just struggling with what following Him actually costs. Our intentions are pure and good but as Jesus said to the disciples "the flesh is weak", because it's still here getting in the way.
Watching others follow Him wholeheartedly is beautiful, powerful. We love the stories and say yes I want that. Often we forget or just don't realize the cost, the sacrifice that was made for them to get to that place.
As Gabby and I have thought through our transition to serve Britt and Audrey Hancock and their ministry Mountain Gateway we have been extremely humbled. The Hancock family, since 1989 when they heard the call of Jesus to go into a foreign country to minister to some of the most remote villages of Mexico, have laid it all down to do just that. Enduring the hardest of circumstances to where it could be said of them what we find in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10
"But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God; in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by long-suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things."
They have remained faithful and true to the One who can keep them and help them overcome and bring salvation to the multitudes. For this we are extremely grateful. The ministry platform they have formed is one of purity and humility, and we have been given the honor to step up onto and continue the road marked out for us. The Hancocks had given everything then and it is as if it is all being handed to us on a silver platter. And by no means does this mean we have it easy and there is no longer a cost for us for we all have a price that we get to pay for what Jesus has done for us. Britt and Audrey has shown us the way of righteousness, holiness, and faithfulness.
The Hancocks are not the only ones who have lived such sacrificial lives. We have become great friends with Eric and Ginny Hanson who for 15 years have established a healthy and vibrant ministry in the nation of Cambodia in which our hearts are broken for. They are just a few we know personally who stand with so many who have followed closely to Jesus through the ages.
I want to truly follow Jesus. I want to give it all. Not for a name, money, or cool stuff that some thinking following Him will get them. I desire to follow Him for the fact that those who have learned to draw near and obey have truly made Him their "exceedingly great reward" (Genesis 15:1). I want to know God in so well that I am not too surprised when I see Him face to face if possible. There is freedom in letting go of the things of this world. Jesus said Himself "Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing." (Matthew 6:25)
The past few months I have been talking with God about John 12:20-28. It is one of those conversations recorded where Jesus is asked a question and it seems like He ignores the question and starts talking about what is on His mind. (We all know someone who does that right?) Anyways, Holy Spirit has helped me understand that Jesus answered the question according the bigger picture as He always does. In a few days Jesus is about to go to the cross and He knows the one time meeting with these guys is not going to be enough for them. And His response is v.26 "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also". Jesus is saying to His disciples and ultimately to us all if we want to find Jesus the road He traveled, the road less traveled is the way we must go. That road is marked with sacrifice, humility, obedience, love and most importantly the cross and the grave. Over and over again through the gospels Jesus says if anyone desires to come after me, or be close to me they must take up their cross and walk the road I have walked. Live the life I lived. Deny yourself and die.
Gabby and I came to this reality a few months before we got the call to join Mountain Gateway. Our dream to step into missions had to die. We recognized, on our own we will never amount to anything and have any impact for the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we laid it all in the grave and got up on the cross and said Jesus we are going only where you are going. The road Jesus takes is glorious, it results in Resurrection. We need God's resurrection power flowing through our everything. When we take it all to the grave our dreams and desires are raised up in His perfect timing and given resurrection life, power, and perfection. And that is what we desire.
If anyone, that includes everyone, desires to come after Jesus He says deny yourself, take up your cross, and walk the beautiful road of obedience, sacrifice, and freedom. Only by His power can you walk it and endure to the end.
No one has made it when they have stepped into a position of full time missions, a pastoral role, even a good non-profit. We know we've made it when we can confidently stand before Jesus and say I laid it all down, I obeyed the call you gave me, and I leaned in to You as close as I could in order to be satisfied by You and You alone in every job, circumstance, financial position, and city I found myself in. I love a song Cory Asbury has been singing for some time now. The Chorus simply says "In every season of my life Lord, I will respond with love for you." That is the goal and joy, peace, and life is found there. Jesus Himself is found there.
We ask that you join us in this journey right where you are. Stay connected with us and sign up for our newsletter which we will use to send you emails concerning our blog updates, detailed information on our transition, and what is happening amongst the missionaries and work of Mountain Gateway.
Watching others follow Him wholeheartedly is beautiful, powerful. We love the stories and say yes I want that. Often we forget or just don't realize the cost, the sacrifice that was made for them to get to that place.
As Gabby and I have thought through our transition to serve Britt and Audrey Hancock and their ministry Mountain Gateway we have been extremely humbled. The Hancock family, since 1989 when they heard the call of Jesus to go into a foreign country to minister to some of the most remote villages of Mexico, have laid it all down to do just that. Enduring the hardest of circumstances to where it could be said of them what we find in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10
"But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God; in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings; by purity, by knowledge, by long-suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere love, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as chastened, and yet not killed; as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things."
They have remained faithful and true to the One who can keep them and help them overcome and bring salvation to the multitudes. For this we are extremely grateful. The ministry platform they have formed is one of purity and humility, and we have been given the honor to step up onto and continue the road marked out for us. The Hancocks had given everything then and it is as if it is all being handed to us on a silver platter. And by no means does this mean we have it easy and there is no longer a cost for us for we all have a price that we get to pay for what Jesus has done for us. Britt and Audrey has shown us the way of righteousness, holiness, and faithfulness.
The Hancocks are not the only ones who have lived such sacrificial lives. We have become great friends with Eric and Ginny Hanson who for 15 years have established a healthy and vibrant ministry in the nation of Cambodia in which our hearts are broken for. They are just a few we know personally who stand with so many who have followed closely to Jesus through the ages.
I want to truly follow Jesus. I want to give it all. Not for a name, money, or cool stuff that some thinking following Him will get them. I desire to follow Him for the fact that those who have learned to draw near and obey have truly made Him their "exceedingly great reward" (Genesis 15:1). I want to know God in so well that I am not too surprised when I see Him face to face if possible. There is freedom in letting go of the things of this world. Jesus said Himself "Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing." (Matthew 6:25)
The past few months I have been talking with God about John 12:20-28. It is one of those conversations recorded where Jesus is asked a question and it seems like He ignores the question and starts talking about what is on His mind. (We all know someone who does that right?) Anyways, Holy Spirit has helped me understand that Jesus answered the question according the bigger picture as He always does. In a few days Jesus is about to go to the cross and He knows the one time meeting with these guys is not going to be enough for them. And His response is v.26 "If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also". Jesus is saying to His disciples and ultimately to us all if we want to find Jesus the road He traveled, the road less traveled is the way we must go. That road is marked with sacrifice, humility, obedience, love and most importantly the cross and the grave. Over and over again through the gospels Jesus says if anyone desires to come after me, or be close to me they must take up their cross and walk the road I have walked. Live the life I lived. Deny yourself and die.
Gabby and I came to this reality a few months before we got the call to join Mountain Gateway. Our dream to step into missions had to die. We recognized, on our own we will never amount to anything and have any impact for the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we laid it all in the grave and got up on the cross and said Jesus we are going only where you are going. The road Jesus takes is glorious, it results in Resurrection. We need God's resurrection power flowing through our everything. When we take it all to the grave our dreams and desires are raised up in His perfect timing and given resurrection life, power, and perfection. And that is what we desire.
If anyone, that includes everyone, desires to come after Jesus He says deny yourself, take up your cross, and walk the beautiful road of obedience, sacrifice, and freedom. Only by His power can you walk it and endure to the end.
No one has made it when they have stepped into a position of full time missions, a pastoral role, even a good non-profit. We know we've made it when we can confidently stand before Jesus and say I laid it all down, I obeyed the call you gave me, and I leaned in to You as close as I could in order to be satisfied by You and You alone in every job, circumstance, financial position, and city I found myself in. I love a song Cory Asbury has been singing for some time now. The Chorus simply says "In every season of my life Lord, I will respond with love for you." That is the goal and joy, peace, and life is found there. Jesus Himself is found there.
We ask that you join us in this journey right where you are. Stay connected with us and sign up for our newsletter which we will use to send you emails concerning our blog updates, detailed information on our transition, and what is happening amongst the missionaries and work of Mountain Gateway.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Big Changes!
Well, are you ready for some big news... Ok here it is, We Are Moving! The Prytula's are moving! We are so excited for this next step that God has for us. We will be moving around the beginning of August, to Dripping Springs, Texas.
Why to Texas you might ask, (although there are a few among you silently cheering, for Texas, jk). We are going down to Texas to take over the administrative role for Mountain Gateway, a mission's organization run by Britt and Audrey Hancock. Britt and Audrey train, equip, and send missionaries all over the world. Chad and I have known them for a few years now and have always known that somehow we would be connected with them. This is such a God thing and the door couldn't have opened at a better time.
Ever since Chad and I got married almost 3 years ago we have been in a waiting season. We have wanted to be the ones to be sent out on to the mission's field but, we kept hearing God say, "not yet". We watched as most of our friends recently get sent out or relocated and we struggled with the thought of had we missed it and why not us? While God was saying not yet we kept hearing so many people say the harvest is plentiful but the workers few. And we kept telling God "we are right here and read, send us". But still he said, "not yet". We had to trust that God knew our heart and what we desired. He knows how much spreading His word in the nations is to us, for He was the one who put it there. Chad and I strongly believe in and understand the importance of making his name knows to the ends of the earth, and we are so ready to continue the journey that He has us on. These past 5 years or se we have been continuously equipped by the Lord and by some of His best men and women. We have learned and grown so much and yet we are only at the beginning.
Even though we will still be in the U.S., we have the opportunity to learn more about the mission field, go through amazing training, and build connections in this season. And we will take it one step at a time listening to God's leading and watch for more open doors.
And this is how you can partner with us. First, CONNECT, connect with us. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates and see how the process is going. Send us emails or call us on the phone to ask questions. Second, PRAYER. This is a huge factor in the success of ministry and the transition especially for little man Kohen. Pray for easy transition and that we wil lsettle in and connect to a community in Texas. Third, FINANCIALLY. We will be living off support as Mountain Gateway is a support based ministry, completely comprised of missionaries on the field right now or going through training. We will be fundraising over the next several months to setup long term supporters. If you are interested and able to support us please click on the link at the side or contact us for other ways to give. Anything helps get us there and if you are unable to set yourself long term please connect with us on how you can help now. Also, if you sign up for updates you will see where and how your support is being used, on the side bar to the right of this post.
Chad and I are so thankful for all of our wonderful family and friends that have surrounded us these past several years to get us where we stand today. Thank you for your love and encouragement now and in the days ahead. So we want to invite you to continue this journey with us and partner with what Jesus is doing in the nations of the earth. God Bless.
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